Dr. Stephanie J. Creary is an organizational scholar with expertise in identity, diversity, inclusion, and workplace relationships. She is also a founding faculty member of the Wharton IDEAS lab (Identity, Diversity, Engagement, Affect, and Social Relationships), an affiliated faculty member of Wharton People Analytics, a Senior Fellow of the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics (LDI), and affiliated faculty member of the Penn Center for Africana Studies. She leads the Leading Diversity@Wharton Speaker Series as part of her Leading Diversity in Organizations course at Wharton and hosts the Knowledge@Wharton Leading Diversity at Work Podcast Series.
Dr. Creary studies inclusion-related tensions in organizations, how individuals experience them, and the practices that individuals and organizations employ to navigate them. She examines this phenomenon from multiple levels of analysis and has studied these dynamics in a variety of organizations, including global firms, corporate board rooms, hospitals, yoga communities, and the US Army. She also examines the effectiveness of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) related practices in organizations. Prior to joining the Wharton faculty, Dr. Creary was on the faculty of Cornell University, a research associate at Harvard Business School and The Conference Board in NYC researching corporate diversity and inclusion practices. Dr. Creary has earned B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Boston University Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences; an MBA degree from Simmons School of Management; and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Boston College Carroll School of Management.
Dr. Creary presents her journey into engaged scholarship and the teaching innovations she designed, implemented and shared with any scholar and organization interested in learning what science tells us about diversity & inclusion at work and how to better facilitate the design and management of inclusive workplaces that truly appreciate diversity & difference.