Engaged Scholars
A place to gain and share knowledge amongst fellow scholars in business schools.
Talks. Videos. Ideas. Practices. Experiences. Reflections. Resources.
This space is to collect and share stories and examples of the practices, theories and concerns of engaged scholars in business schools from different parts of the world, different institutions, doing different types of research, with different interests, different career positions & paths, different races and ethnicities, nations of origin, genders, religions, sexual identifications and orientations, and so on.
This is an agora of pluralism. A heterotopia, a meeting place of differences to learn and think and do.

"Certainly there are very real differences between us of race, age and sex. But it is not those differences between us that are separating us. It is rather our refusal to recognize those differences, and to examine the distortions which result from our misnaming them and their effects upon human behavior and expectations."
Audre Lorde, 1984/2007 p. 115
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Join the insightful conversations with Engaged Scholars around the world. We are dedicated to advancing conversations on theories, practices and experiences of different forms of engaged scholarship in management studies and practices broadly understood to include different sub-disciplines, issues and concerns. Get involved in the conversation through the following talks:
Conversations on Management Teaching & Learning Series I

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